Why must I have an account to register for anything on this site?
In order to make the registration experience faster and more secure for everyone involved, we require you to be logged in with your username and password.
If you are new to WID and do not have an account you can register here or you can sign up at the time you register for an event, renew your membership, post a job, etc. If you are an existing user of our site and have difficulty please contact us.
What if I forget my password?
If you are a WID member, it is important that you log in using your 2016 member credentials. Please do not create a new account as it will create a duplicate record and the system will not recognize you as a member.
If you are not a member but have a WID account from a previous membership status or activities, please use your 2016 credentials so that the system recognizes you and maintains your WID history in one record.
On the Sign In page, use “Forgot my password or my username” to have your login credentials immediately sent to the email address associated with your record.
WID is happy to help! If you wish for assistance from Member Services, please send an email or call 212.265.7650 during regular office hours (Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.).
Why can’t my colleague and I share an account on this site?
Every account on this site is tied to an individual contact record which contains the entire history of everything that person has done since they joined WID. If you use someone else’s username and password to log in to the site, you will overwrite their history with your own. Please keep your username and password for yourself and yourself alone.